International apply

Thank you for registering at a Chamber of Commerce postal address at our company. We are happy to assist you with our services. Unfortunately, the owner(s) from the company has a nationality or passport that does not from the Benelux or D-A-CH.

Currently only the first 3 months are paid

We also apply the international activities policy for applications involving a nationality or passport that does not originate from the Benelux or D-A-CH. We have more work to perform with these applications. Unfortunately, it is therefore not possible to start the application with a payment of only 3 months in the passport or the nationality of one or all owners is outside the Belenux or D-A-CH.

Yes, we can help you, only accept based on annual package

You have to make an additional payment of €199,- excluding VAT. You have then paid immediately for 1 year and after 1 year your agreement can be canceled monthly (and paid montly). If you have made the payment, we will see this and immediately proceed with the order of your Chamber of Commerce postal address registration. You can make the additional payment by clicking on the this page at the green button 'pay for one year'.

Cancel your order

Canceling the order is also possible. You will receive the paid amount back and we will remove the order from the system. You will receive the amount paid back at your bankaccount within a few days. You can clear this up by clicking on the this page at the red button 'cancel order'.